"...producing a nicely bound and printed book, with excellent reproduced illustrations, including colour photographs ... the publishers' recommended price is more than fair."
International Zoo News, 1998
"This book is an excellent addition to the conservation biology literature and will be a valuable reference for all university libraries ... I highly recommend this book to all those who are concerned about the conversation and management of highly endangered Asian primates."
Journal of Mammology, 1999
- William V. Bleisch
- Ramesh Boonratana
- Judith M. Caton
- George Chaplin
- Ellen S. Dierenfeld
- Hu Yunfeng
- Hu Zhenglin
- Nina G. Jablonski
- Ji Weizhi
- Jiang Xuelong
- R. Craig Kirkpatrick
- Le Xuan Canh
- Li Dewu
- Li Jinjun
- Lois K. Lippold
- Liu Zhenmei
- Long Yongcheng
- Pan Ruliang
- Ren Renmei
- Oliver A. Ryder
- Shang Enyuan
- Su Yanjie
- Tian Baoping
- Vu Ngoc Thanh
- Wang Yingxiang
- Xiao Long
- Xie Jiehua
- Yan Kanghui
- Yang Shangchuan
- Zhang Yaping
- Zhong Tai
- Zhou Hongwu
- Zhou Yin
- Zhu Zhaoquan
- Zou Rujin
Chapter 1: Introduction
Nina.G. Jablonski
Chapter 2: The Evolution of the Doucs and Snub-nosed Monkeys and the Question of the Phyletic Unity of the Odd-nosed Colobines
Nina G. Jablonski
Chapter 3: Classification and Distribution of the Extant Subspecies of Golden Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana)
Wang Yingxiang, Jiang Xuelong & Li Dewu
Chapter 4: Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene Sequences of Langurs: Evolutionary Inference and Conservation Relevance
Zhang Yaping & Oliver A. Ryder
Chapter 5: The Integument of the “Odd-nosed” Colobines
George Chaplin & Nina G. Jablonski
Chapter 6: Mandibular Morphology of the Doucs and Snub-nosed Monkeys in Relation to Diet
Nina G. Jablonski, Pan Ruliang & George Chaplin
Chapter 7: The Morphology of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Pygathrix nemaeus (Linneaus, 1771)
J.M. Caton
Chapter 8: Ecology and Behavior in Snub-nosed and Douc Langurs
R. Craig Kirkpatrick
Chapter 9: Natural History of Douc Langurs
Lois K. Lippold
Chapter 10: Preliminary Observations on the Ecology and Behavior of the Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus avunculus) in Northern Vietnam
Ramesh Boonratana & Le Xuan Canh
Chapter 11: Ecology and Behavior of the Guizhou Snub-nosed Langur (Rhinopithecus brelichi), with a Discussion of the Socioecology in the Genus
William V. Bleisch & Xie Jiahua
Chapter 12: Selected Nutrient Analysis of Plants in the Diet of the Guizhou Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus brelkichi)
William V. Bleisch, Liu Zhenmei, Ellen S. Dierenfeld, & Xie Jiahua
Chapter 13: Preliminary Survey of the Home Range and Ranging Behavior of Golden Monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in Shennongjia National Natural Reserve, Hubei, China
Su Yanjie, Ren Renmei, Yan Kanghui, Li Jinjun, Yin Zhou, Zhu Zhaoquan, Hu Zhenlin & Hu Yunfeng
Chapter 14: Preliminary Survey of the Social Organization of Rhinopithecus roxellana in Shennongjia National Natural Reserve, Hubei, China
Ren Renmei, Su Yanjie, Yan Kanghui, Li Jinjun, Yin Zhou, Zhu Zhaoquan, Hu Zhenlin & Hu Yunfeng
Chapter 15: Time Budgets of the Yunnan Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti)
Long Yongcheng, R. Craig Kirkpatrick, Ziao Lin & Zhong Tai
Chapter 16: Primate Conservation in Vietnam
Lois K. Lippold & Vu Ngoc Thanh
Chapter 17: Conservation Status and Prospects of the Snub-nosed Langurs (Colobinae: Rhinopithecus)
Ren Renmei, R. Craig Kirkpatrick, Nina G. Jablonski, William V. Bleisch & Le Xuan Canh
Chapter 18: Conservation of Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus avunculus) in Vietnam
Ramesh Boonratana & Le Xuan Canh
Chapter 19: Maintenance and Breeding of Yunnan Snub-nosed Monkeys (Rhinopithecus [Rhinopithecus] bieti) in Captivity
Ji Weizhi, Zou Rujin, Shang Enyuan, Zhou Hongwu, Yang Shangchuan & Tian Baoping
Suggested Citation: JABLONSKI, NINA G. (ed.).1998. The Natural History of the Doucs and Snub-Nosed Monkeys. London: World Scientific. 382 pp.