Corey Everley
Ms. Corey Everley graduated in 2017 with majors in Anthropology and History, and minors in French, Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, International Studies and Medieval Studies. During her time at Penn State, Corey joined the Paterno Fellows Program and the Schreyer Honors College; studied abroad in Athens, Greece; completed summer field work at Foster Farm with Dr. Claire Milner; and worked for a semester in Dr. Puts’s lab studying sexual selection and behavioral endocrinology. After graduating, Corey interned for a year for Allegheny County Economic Development, where she acted as Program Coordinator for the Save Your Home Program of Allegheny County. She then accepted a position as Employee Relations Manager for the technology company Accion Labs in Pittsburgh. According to Corey,
“[majoring in anthropology helped] form a better understanding of different cultures and the connections between cultures [and] an anthropology degree was flexible enough to be able to complete many unique field experiences while studying several different fields.”