Joseph Michels

Joseph Michels

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Joseph Michels


Ph.D. (University of California, Los Angeles 1965)


Professional Bio

Professional Bio

Research Activities and Interests:

Dr. Michels' research emphasizes the use of archaeological remains to reconstruct ancient sociopolitical systems. He has conducted fieldwork in Africa, the Mediterranean area, and North America.


  • Michels, J.W. 1979. The Kaminalijuyu Chiefdom. The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, PA.
  • Michels, J.W. 2005. "Changing Settlement Patterns in the Aksum-Yeha Region of Ethiopia: 700 BC - AD 850".  Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology. British Archaeological Reports (BAR), Oxford, England.
  • Michels, J.W., and G.S. Webster. 1987. Studies in Nuragic Archaeology: Excavations at Nuraghe Urpes and Nuraghe Toscaio, Sardinia. British Archaeological Review.