Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz

Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz

Assistant Professor of Anthropology
212 Welch Building University Park, PA 16802

Professional Bio

Professional Bio


2020 PhD, Anthropology, University of Georgia

2015 BA Anthropology, University of Georgia

2015 BS Geology, University of Georgia


 Website (forthcoming)


 Areas of Specialization

Environmental archaeology, complex socio-ecological systems, zooarchaeology of vertebrates and invertebrates, paleoenvironmental reconstruction, fisher-gatherer-hunters, stable isotope analysis, historical ecology, climate change, economic anthropology, chronological modelling, geoarchaeology, geological applications in archaeology


Research Activity

Dr. Holland-Lulewicz is the director for the Socio-ecological Histories of Estuarine Landscapes (SHEL) Lab. Her primary research program focuses on human-environment dynamics in the Southeastern and Midwestern US by way of paleoenvironmental reconstructions via zooarchaeological analyses of vertebrate and invertebrates, stable isotopes analyses of marine shell, and chronological modelling of anthropogenic exploitations of estuarine and riverine environments. Current projects include investigating (1) the manifestation of global cooling and warming events on local landscapes, (2) Indigenous complex socio-ecological systems, (3) early European colonizer resource management strategies, and (4) Indigenous resource management practices and anthropogenic landscape modification as related to urbanization. This work includes both field and laboratory project across eastern North America, primarily in Florida, South Carolina, and the American Bottom region in the Midwest. Dr. Holland-Lulewicz has conducted and participated in field and collections-based projects across eastern North America, including Florida, Georgia, Illinois, and South Carolina with over two years of experience as a Research Zooarchaeologist for the Illinois State Archaeological Survey.


Courses Taught

ANTH 425 Zooarchaeology

ANTH 433 Archaeological Ethics and Law


Recent Publications

  • Garland, Carey J., Victor D. Thompson, Matthew C. Sanger, Karen Y. Smith, Fred T. Andrus, Nathan R. Lawres, Katharine G. Napora, Carol E. Colaninno, J. Matthew Compton, Sharyn Jones, Carla S. Hadden, Alexander Cherkinsky, Thomas Maddox, Yi-Ting Deng, Isabelle H. Lulewicz, Lindsey Parsons 2022 A Multi-proxy Assessment of the Impact of Environmental Instability on Late Holocene (4500 to 3800 BP) Native American Villages of the Georgia Coast, USA. PLoS ONE 17(3): e0258979.


  • Holland-Lulewicz, Isabelle, and Victor D. Thompson 2021 Calusa Socioecological Histories and Zooarchaeological Indicators of Environmental Change in Southwestern Florida, USA, Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. Available online 2 December 2021.


  • Ritchison, Brandon T., Victor D. Thompson, Isabelle H. Lulewicz, and Bryan Tucker
    2020 Climate Change, Resilience, and the Fisher-Hunter-Gatherers of Late Holocene Georgia Coast. Quaternary International 584:82-92.


  • Thompson, Victor D., Torben Rick, Carey J. Garland, Karen Y. Smith, David Hurst Thomas, Karen Y. Smith, Sarah Bergh, Matt Sanger, Bryan Tucker, Isabelle Lulewicz, Anna M. Semon, John Schalles, Christine Hladik, Clark Alexander, and Brandon T. Ritchison 2020 Ecosystem stability and Native American oyster harvesting along the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Science Advances 6(28):aba9652.


  • Thompson, Victor D., William H. Marquardt, Karen J. Walker, Isabelle H. Lulewicz, Mike Savarese, Lee Newsom, Amanda Roberts Thompson, and Nathan Lawres 2020 Ancient Engineering of Fish Capture and Storage in Southwest Florida. Proceedings for the National Academy of Sciences 117(15):8374-8381.


  • Lulewicz, Isabelle H., Neill Wallis, and Victor D. Thompson 2020 Season of the Mound Builders: Shellfish Collection and Mound Construction at the Garden Patch Site, Gulf Coast Florida, USA. Southeastern Archaeology 39(1):16-28.


  • Carla S. Hadden, Kathy M. Loftis, Alexander Cherkinsky, Brandon T. Ritchison, Isabelle H. Lulewicz and Victor Thompson 2019 Radiocarbon in marsh periwinkle (Littorina irrorata) shell carbonate and conchiolin: applications for archaeology. DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2019.53.


  • Lulewicz, Isabelle H, Thompson, Victor D., Pluckhahn, Thomas J., Das, Oindrila, and Fred T. Andrus 2018 Exploring Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Habitat Collection via Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry and its Implications for Ritual and Mound Construction at Crystal River and Roberts Island, Florida. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 13(3):338-404.


  • Victor D. Thompson, Chester B. DePratter, Jacob Lulewicz, Isabelle H. Lulewicz, Amanda D. Roberts Thompson, Justin Cramb, Brandon Ritchison, Matthew H. Colvin 2018 The Archaeology and Remote Sensing of Santa Elena’s Four Millennia of Occupation. Remote Sensing 10:248; DOI: 10.3390/rs10020248


  • Robert J. Speakman, Carla S. Hadden, Matthew H. Colvin, Justin Cramb, K.C. Jones, Travis
    Jones, Isabelle H. Lulewicz, Katharine G. Napora, Katherine L. Reinberger, Brandon T. Ritchison, Alexandra R. Edwards, Victor D. Thompson 2018 Market Share and Recent Hiring Trends and Trajectories in Anthropology Faculty Positions. PLOS ONE 13(9). DOI: e0202528.


  • Robert J. Speakman, Carla S. Hadden, Matthew H. Colvin, Justin Cramb, K.C. Jones, Travis W. Jones, Corbin L. Kling, Isabelle Lulewicz, Katharine G. Napora, Katherine L. Reinberger, Brandon T. Ritchison, Maria Jose Rivera-Araya, April K. Smith, Victor D. Thompson 2018 Choosing a Path to the Ancient World in a Modern Market: The Reality of Faculty Jobs in Archaeology. American Antiquity 83(1):1–12. Society for American Archaeology Paper of the Month, March 2018.


  • Lulewicz, Isabelle H., Victor D. Thompson, Justin Cramb, and Bryan Tucker 2017 Oyster Paleoecology and Native America Subsistence Practices on Ossabaw Island, Georgia, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 15:282 – 289.