B.A., University of Texas Austin, 1964
M.A., Washington State University, 1966
Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1971
Professional Bio
Professional Bio
Research Activities and Interests
Labor unions in the U.S., globalization, modern and Medieval Iceland, archaeology of Medieval Iceland, highland and valley groups of Mainland Southeast Asia, fisheries and fisheries policy, agricultural policy and practice, noncapitalist and capitalist economic systems, stateless societies, states, cognitive anthropology, religion, the relationships among political and economic forms and ideological and cognitive systems, economic anthropology, historical processes, applied anthropology.
Courses Taught
- ANTH 045 Cultural Anthropology
- ANTH 450W Comparative Social Organization
- ANTH 453 Anthropology of Religion
- ANTH 455 Global Processes and Local Systems
- ANTH 448 Ethnography of the United States
- ANTH 560 History of Anthropological Theory
Recent Publications
- 2005. (with Suzan Erem) Class Acts: An Anthropology of Urban Workers and Their Union. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.
- 2006. (With Judith Martí) Labor in Cross-Cultural Perspective. New York. AltaMira.
- 2007. (with Suzan Erem) Anthropology Unbound: A Field Guide to the21st Century. Boulder, Paradigm Publishers.
- 2008. On the Global Waterfront: The Fight to Free the Charleston Five. New York. Monthly Review Press.
(see video and discussion at ontheglobalwaterfront.org). - 2010. (With Suzan Erem) Paradigms for Anthropology: An Ethnographic Reader. Paradigm Publishers.
- 2010. (With Suzan Erem) Anthropology Unbound: A Field Guide to the 21st Century, Second Edition. Boulder, Paradigm Publishers.
- 2010. Author, Editor. (With Karaleah S Reichart, Editor) The Anthropology of Labor Unions. University Press of Colorado
- Paul Durrenberger in the field
- 2005. Economic Anthropology. IN Encyclolpedia of Social Measurement. Vol 1:723-732.
Labour. IN A Handbook of Economic Anthropology.James G. Carrier, Editor. Cheltenham, UK andNorthampton, MA, Edward Elgar. 125-140. - 2005. (With Suzan Erem) Checking for Relationships Across Domains. Field Methods Vol 17(2):150-169.
- 2005. (With Suzan Erem) Staff, Stewards, and Strikes: Labor’s Communication Gap. Journal of Anthroological Research. Vol 51(2):179-200.
- 2007. The Anthropology of Organized Labor. Annual Reviews of Anthropology
Vol. 36: 73-88. - 2007. (With Suzan Erem) The Turkish Elections -- What's at Stake . . . and What Isn't. Monthly Review. June 2007
http://www.monthlyreview.org/mrzine/ed130607.html. - 2008 (With Dimitra Doukas) Gospel of Wealth, Gospel of Work: Hegemony in the U.S. Working Class. American Anthropologist 110 (2):1548-1433.
- 2009 The Last Wall to Fall: The Anthropology of Collective Action and Unions in the Global System. Journal of Anthropological Research. 65(1).
- Suzan Erem and Paul Durrenberger, Iceland 2007