Curriculum Vitae
Professional Bio
Professional Bio
I am a Postdoctoral Scholar within Sagan Friant’s RISK lab at Penn State, primarily working on the SCAPES project. I am also a Fellow-in-Residence with the Verena Consortium working with Stephanie Seifert on a study investigating the ecological, geographic and molecular drivers of cross-species transmission of arena- and hantaviruses.
I recently completed my Ph.D. at the Royal Veterinary College, UK. My Ph.D. was based in the Centre for Emerging, Endemic and Exotic diseases, Royal Veterinary College, London and funded through a BBSRC PhD studentship with the LIDo DTP. My project was supervised by an interdisciplinary team of researchers, Prof. Richard Kock (RVC), Prof. Deborah Watson-Jones (LSHTM), and Prof. Kate Jones (UCL).