Andrés G. Mejía Ramón

Andrés G. Mejía Ramón

Ph.D. Candidate
418 Carpenter Hall University Park, PA 16802
Andrés G. Mejía Ramón


2016 A.B. Physics, Anthropology with High Honors, Dartmouth College
2018 M.A. Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University

Professional Bio

Professional Bio

I am an environmental archaeologist and remote sensing specialist focusing on the applications of land, air, and spaceborne sensors to archaeology, particularly in Teotihuacan and the Central Mexican Highlands. My primary interest lies in the origins of agricultural intensification in the Teotihuacan Valley, focusing on the roles of amaranth and irrigation in the development of the ancient metropolis of over 125,000 people in a semi-arid environment. I am also interested in how such systems may have led to later complex political systems, ultimately culminating in the establishment of the largest city in the New World before the arrival of the Spanish. I am currently a member of the Northern Basin of Mexico Historical Ecology Project led by Christopher Morehart of the Arizona State University, The Altar de Sacrificios Archaeological Project in Guatemala led by Jessica Munson of Lycoming College, The Proyecto Prehistorico Arenal Project led by Payson Sheets of the University of Colorado, Boulder, Principal Investigator of the Proyecto La Paleohidrología del Valle de Teotihuacanand co-organizer of the International Symposium on the Sociopolitical Organization of Teotihuacan with Linda Manzanilla and Tom Froese of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and Gina Buckley, also of Penn State. For the 2017-2018 academic year, I was also designated NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Graduate Fellow.

Recent Publications

Mejía Ramón, Andrés G. and Nadia E. Johnson.
2019     Sociopolitical Organization, Landscape Change, and Hydraulic Engineering in the Teotihuacan Valley, Mexico: 1250 B. C. - A. D. 1810. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs): Water6(2): e1335.

Mejía Ramón, Andrés G., Luis Barba, Agustín Ortiz, and Jorge E. Blancas.
2019    Geophysical Prospection at the Formative Site of Altica in the Teotihuacan Valley Piedmont. Ancient Mesoamerica, 30(2): 267-278.

Munson, Jessica L., Andrés G. Mejía Ramón, and Lorena Paiz Aragón.
2019    Mapeo de Asentamientos en Alta Resolución con Sistemas Aéreos No Tripulados en Altar de Sacrificios, Guatemala. In XXXII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Tomo II, edited by Barbara Arroyo, Luis Méndez Salinas, and Gloria Ajú Álvarez, pp. 637-648. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala City.

Blancas, Jorge E., Luis Barba, Agustin Ortiz, Guillermo Acosta-Ochoa, Andrés G. Mejía Ramón, and David M. Carballo.
2019    Estudio de Conjuntos Departamentales y Organización de Barrios Utilizando Sensores Remotos y Geofísica en el Distrito de Tlajinga, Teotihuacan. Ancient Mesoamerica, 30(1): 115-128.

Carballo, David M., Kenneth G. Hirth, Daniela Hernández Sariñana, Gina M. Buckley, Andrés G. Mejía Ramón, and Douglas J. Kennett.
2019    New Research at Teotihuacan's Tlajinga District: The 2013-2014 Excavations. Ancient Mesoamerica, 30(1):  95-113.

Mejía Ramón, Andrés G.
2017    Playing in Tlaloc's Fields: Trends in archaeometric prospection in the Central Mexican Highlands. Society of Exploration Geophysicists Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017(1): 5110-5114.
