Curriculum Vitae
Professional Bio
Professional Bio
Areas of Specialization:
Dr. Weiss is interested in the evolution of complex traits. His work is largely in genetics and evolutionary conceptual theory, but specifically involves studies of human polymorphisms and the amount of variation in genes related to human phenotypes, including disease-related traits, and in the development, genetics, and evolution of complex morphological traits. He is also interested in the history of evolutionary biology and in the newly important area of bioethics as it relates to evolution and genetics in our society
Research Activities and Interests:
Dr. Weiss's research is in the nature of evolution as a process generally, and specifically how it generates the genetic basis of complex traits. Traits include morphological traits such as the teeth and skull as well as variation in human disease susceptibility and in the basis of complex gene families such as are involved in the evolution of vertebrate mineralization and in olfaction (the genes used to detect odors). He has worked on diabetes in Amerindians, and the genetic basis of cardiovascular disease. For details, see his lab web page.
Courses Taught:
- ANTH 471H Biology, Evolution, & Society (offered FA13)
- IBIOS 551 Genomics
- For more details, see lab page