Jacob Holland-Lulewicz

Curriculum Vitae
Professional Bio
Professional Bio
Areas of Specialization
Archaeology and ethnohistory of eastern North America; Indigenous collaborative archaeology; institutions of governance; collective action and democracy; social networks; Indigenous-colonizer dynamics and early Spanish colonization; GIS and spatial analyses; remote sensing and geophysics; radiocarbon dating and Bayesian chronological modeling; ceramic analysis; archaeometric analyses; collections-based research
Research Activity
My research programs on institutions of governance and cross-cultural perspectives on human network dynamics represent an interdisciplinary body of work that spans both the social sciences and the humanities, cross-cutting anthropology, political science, the network sciences, and historical disciplines. Within a historical framework, my work addresses the deep social histories of Indigenous eastern North America, with special attention to Muskogean political histories from 5,000 years ago through to today. The integration of these two domains, broad interdisciplinary social science perspectives on the one hand, and critical engagement with specific historical cases and community-based research on the other, is the crux of my ongoing and future research programs. This work includes both field and lab projects across eastern North America, from the Georgia Coast and the South Carolina Low Country, up through Southern Appalachia and across to the Lower Illinois Valley. I have conducted and participated in field and collections-based projects across North America, including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee, as well as southern Ontario and the Basin of Mexico.
Courses Taught
- ANTH 2 World Archaeology
- ANTH 421 Intro to Geospatial Science in Anthropology and Archaeology
- ANTH 428 Archaeological Method and Theory
- ANTH 444 Evolution of War
- ANTH 497 Ceramic Analysis
- ANTH 588 Archaeological Method and Theory
Recent Publications
- Holland-Lulewicz, Isabelle and Jacob Holland-Lulewicz. 2023. A Network Approach to Zooarchaeological Datasets and Human-Centered Ecosystems in Southwestern Florida. PLOS ONE 18(12):e0295906.
- Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob. 2023. The Heterogeneity of Social Network and Institutional Covariance in the American Southeast. American Antiquity 88(4): 513-530.
- Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob and Emma Verstraete. 2023. From Cahokia to Capital: Historical Palimpsests and the Euro-American Afterlives of an Indigenous Place. International Journal of Historical Archaeology.
- Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob. 2023. Networks and Political Organization. In The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Network Research, edited by Tom Brughmans, Barbara Mills, Jessica Munson, and Matthew Peeples. University of Oxford Press, Oxford.
- Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob. 2023. North American Indigenous Political Institutions. In The Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd Ed., edited by Efthymia Nikita and Shadreck Chirikure. Academic Press, Cambridge.
- Sullivan, Lynne P., Kevin E. Smith, Shawn Patch, Sarah Lowry, Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, and Scott Meeks. 2022. Heading for the Hills: New Evidence for Migrations to the Upper Tennessee Valley. In Following the Mississippian Spread: Climate Change and Migration in the Eastern US (ca. AD 1000-1600), edited by Cook, Robert A. and Aaron R. Comstock, pp. 227-255. Springer, New York.
- Thompson, Victor D., Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, RaeLynn Butler, Turner Hunt, LeeAnn Wendt, Mark Williams, and James Wettstaed. 2022. The Early Materialization of Democratic Institutions among the Ancestral Muskogean of the American Southeast. American Antiquity.
- Bebber, Michelle, Briggs Buchanan, and Jacob Holland-Lulewicz. Refining the Chronology of North America’s Copper Cultures: Bayesian Modeling using IntCal20. PLOS One.
- Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob, Victor D. Thompson, Jennifer Birch, and Colin Grier. 2022. Keystone Institutions of Democratic Governance across Indigenous North America. Frontiers in Political Science 4:840049.
- Buchanan, Briggs, J. David Kilby, Jason M. LaBelle, Todd A. Surovell, Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, and Marcus J. Hamilton. 2022. Bayesian Modeling of the Clovis and Folsom Radiocarbon Records Indicates a 200-year Multi-Generational Transition. American Antiquity.
- Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob and Amanda Roberts Thompson. 2021. Incomplete Histories and Hidden Lives: The Case for Social Networks Analysis in Historical Archaeology. International Journal of Historical Archaeology.
- Potter, Ben A., James Chatters, Anna Marie Prentiss, Stuart J. Fiedel, Gary Haynes, Robert Kelly, J. David Kilby, Francois Lanoe, Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, D. Shane Miller, Juliet E. Morrow, Angela R. Perri, Kurt M. Rademaker, Joshua D. Reuther, Brandon T. Ritchison, Guadalupe Sanchez, Ismael Sanchez-Morales, S. Margaret Spivey-Faulkner, and Jesse W. Tune. 2021. Current Understanding of the Earliest Human Occupations in the Americas: Evaluation of Becerra-Valdivia and Higham (2020).
- James Chatters, Ben A. Potter, Anna Marie Prentiss, Stuart J. Fiedel, Gary Haynes, Robert Kelly, J. David Kilby, Francois Lanoe, Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, D. Shane Miller, Juliet E. Morrow, Angela R. Perri, Kurt M. Rademaker, Joshua D. Reuther, Brandon T. Ritchison, Guadalupe Sanchez, Ismael Sanchez-Morales, S. Margaret Spivey-Faulkner, Jesse W. Tune, and C. Vance Haynes. 2021. Evaluating Claims of Early Human Occupation at Chiquihuite Cave, Mexico.
- Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob and Brandon T. Ritchison. 2021. How Many Dates Do I Need? Using Simulations to Determine Robust Age Estimations of Archaeological Contexts. Advances in Archaeological Practice.
- Buchanan, Briggs, J. David Kilby, Marcus J. Hamilton, Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, Jason M. LaBelle, Kelton A. Meyer, Brian Andrews, Brooke M. Morgan, Brendon Asher, Vance T. Holliday, Gregory W.L. Hodgins, and Todd A. Surovell. 2021. Bayesian Revision of the Folsom Age Range using IntCal20.
- Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob. From Categories to Connections in the Archaeology of Eastern North America. Journal of Archaeological Research.
- Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob, Victor Thompson, Mark Williams, James Wettstead. 2020. Enduring Traditions and the (Im)materiality of Early Colonial Encounters in the Southeastern United States. American Antiquity 85(4).
- Holland-Lulewicz, Jacob, Megan Conger, Jennifer Birch, Stephen Kowalewski, and Travis Jones. 2020. An Institutional Approach for Archaeology. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 58:101163
- Lulewicz, Jacob. The Social Networks and Structural Variation of Mississippian Sociopolitics in the Southeastern United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(14):6707-6712.
- Lulewicz, Jacob. A Bayesian Approach to Regional Ceramic Seriation and Political History in the Southern Appalachian (Northern Georgia) Region of the Southeastern United States. Journal of Archaeological Science 105:1-10.
- Lulewicz, Jacob, Victor D. Thompson, and Chester B. DePratter. 2019. Mapping Spanish Settlement at Santa Elena, 1566-1587: An Integrated Archaeogeophysical Approach. Archaeological Prospection 26(3):239-250.
- Riehm, Grace E., Robbie Ethridge, Lydia Brambalia, Brittany A. Brown, Lauren K. Collins, Danielle N. Effre, Stephen A. Kowalewski, Jacob Lulewicz, Morgan J. Lyon, Caitlin F. Plesher, Brandon T. Ritchison, Colleen N. Smith, Amanda J. Sutton, and Victor D. Thompson. 2019. What is Ethnohistory?: A Sixty-Year Retrospective. Ethnohistory 66(1):145-162.
- Lulewicz, Jacob and Adam Coker. 2018. The Structure of the Mississippian World: A Social Network Approach to the Organization of Sociopolitical Interactions. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 50:113-127.
- Thompson, Victor D., Chester B. DePratter, Jacob Lulewicz, Isabelle Lulewicz, Amanda Roberts Thompson, Brandon Ritchison, Justin Cramb, and Matthew Colvin. 2018. The Archaeology and Remote Sensing of Santa Elena’s Four Millennia of Occupation. Remote Sensing 10(2):248-277.
- Lulewicz, Jacob. Radiocarbon Data, Bayesian Modeling, and Alternative Historical Frameworks. Advances in Archaeological Practice 6(1):1-14.
- Thompson, Victor, Thomas Pluckhahn, Matthew Colvin, Justin Cramb, Jacob Lulewicz, Katherine Napora, and Brandon Ritchison. Plummets, Public Ceremonies, and Macroregional Interactions during the Woodland Period in Florida. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 48:193-206.
- Colvin, Matthew and Jacob Lulewicz. Report of Summer 2015 Field Season at Buckhead (9CH150), Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Early Georgia 43(1&2):101-105.
- Birch, Jennifer, Jacob Lulewicz, and Abigail Rowe. 2016. A Comparative Analysis of the Late Woodland-Early Mississippian Settlement Landscape in Northern Georgia. Southeastern Archaeology 35(1):115-133.
- Birch, Jennifer and Jacob Lulewicz. Archaeological and Geophysical Investigations of Raccoon Ridge, a Transitional Late Woodland-Early Mississippian Village in the Georgia Piedmont. Early Georgia 42(2):89-103.